Sunday, October 5, 2008

What we are FOR: Family Values...

After Thursday's debate I wrote that one of my biggest take-aways was that we had turned a corner. I believe more and more that comparisons between McCain and Bush, while more stark and true day by day, are less necessary. The McCain camp has chosen a path of slander and smear, but we have a whole lot on our side. Finally, we have a candidate that has a LOT going for him beyond being "not Bush." I'll highlight some key policy excitements in the days ahead in my "What we are FOR" posts, but as a tribute to the Obamas' anniversary on Friday (and in celebration of mine tomorrow), here's a moving video of what our first family might look like. Last week, relationship experts Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks wrote:
One of the greatest benefits of an Obama presidency is hidden in plain sight: the relationship between Michelle and Barack. They provide a great role model of a healthy relationship, at a time when such models are sorely needed.

I think it is high time we stop preaching family values, and start modeling them...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
I'm your Mom's friend,Alicia,here in Strasbourg!
We are all SO enjoying your website and ALL that you have done-it's SO exciting-and scary-to feel so right about something -and to think that many others don't feel the same-what a shame!!For to feel this hope-for me,personally,well...I haven't felt this hope in my heart about something in along time!
Yes, may the Obama family get the chance they deserve to let us share in their wonderful story and be that beacon of light we need to carry on as Americans!!