The National Conference of State Legislatures has a handy page that lists states with no-excuse early or absentee voting.
All states allow early absentee voting if you will be away from your voting area on election day. You can view dates
and other info about absentee and early voting at electionpreparedness.com.
If you need to find out whether you are registered, where your polling place is, or how to contact your board of elections, go to canivote.org
If you live overseas, votefromabraod.org has all the info you need to request an absentee ballot and make sure your voice is heard.
My friend, Adam, created a Facebook group called, Vote Early, Just in Case to help spread the word. Here are a few of the fun (and scary) facts he collected:
In 2004, 16 million registered voters did not vote and 1/2 million of them would have been dead or in the hospital during the election.
In the next 20 days 94,685 voters will die, if they vote early their vote will leave a lasting legacy.
An additional 178,065 voters will be in the hospital and unable to get out to vote.
224,685 voters will go to the emergency room on election day and might not get to vote.
Roughly 6,575 people die per day
with 20 days until the election that is
131,507 people that will be lost.
of which 72% are registered so
94,685 voters might miss their chance to vote if they don't vote early.
As Adam says "Vote early since lines may be long, something might come up, or you might just kick the bucket before the election."
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