Friday, October 10, 2008

Who is Barack Obama?

I've gotten a number of emails in the last few days from people who are hearing from undecided members of their family that Barack Obama still "scares them." The email campaigns and un-truths being spouted at rallies is still unsettling for those who have not yet looked closely at who Barack is. This behind-the-scenes video from the DNC gives you a window into the heart of a man and his family.

I also highly encourage anyone who still has unanswered questions about Barack and his background to read his first book: Dreams from My Father. It was written while he was editor of the Harvard Law Review, long before he ran for any public office and is a poignant and unusually frank narrative from a (now) public official.

You can buy the book at, download it from (or you can look it up in iTunes). I listened to it on audio book and found it a special treat as Barack narrates it himself--his life in his own words.

For those who like to read the cliffs notes first, there is a summary on Wikipedia.

1 comment:

About Me said...

Here is an email I received from an acquaintance of mine...he is quite "fearful of Obama" (and quite racist, if you ask me).

If I have to trade forest for oil in order to keep us independent of the Middle East I guess something has to give. We can’t have it both ways. Right now, there is a man running for President who has NEVER had leadership experience at any level. Lack of military experience pretty much seals the deal for me. He has lots of pie in the sky ideas, but nothing of a ‘plan’ so to speak. I am certainly not a Republican, but the thought of a man who is 12% black and 37.5% Arabic becoming President scares me. He doesn’t have the same ideals that are instilled in the majority of the Christians in this country. And like it or not, this is Christian nation. I did like Clinton until he cut back on military spending and basically put us in the quagmire we are in now in the Middle East. The lack of support for the troops when he was in office was disgusting. The fact that our boys are getting blown to bits by IEDs are b/c the hummers they are driving over there are lacking the Kevlar plating that Clinton’s slashing of the budget changed. So, in my opinion, the man who is the leader of the greatest nation in the history of the world, should have military experience. I don’t care if he’s blue, white, red or black. I do care if he’s Muslim, however b/c that is not what this great nation was founded upon.

I am sorry that we have to drill for oil in our own (Russia’s territory really) country, but if it frees us from having to do business with those back stabbing corrupt people in the Middle East, I guess that’s our fate. We’ve put ourselves in this position with our use of big SUVs and not finding alternatives to petroleum fueling. Its time to pay the piper. In the long run, if we free our dependency on the Middle East this is a good thing. We are in a tough situation, no doubt. I hate to see national forest ruined for oil and my answer would be to just take all vehicles off the road and make everyone use public transportation or bike to work/school etc. Since that’s not ideal, I think we have some important decisions to make as a nation.