Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today's Polling: Obama opens up big lead

Well, the economy is still a mess and it isn't clear how it is going to be fixed and who will pick up the tab, but today's news brought a small smile to my face... when real issues start to affect the American people, the impact of their choices are brought in sharp relief...

Today's Washington Post / ABC News Poll has Obama up 52% to 43%. This is good news, but not a reason to stop working hard--with the debates starting tomorrow we can either seal the deal or backslide.

I was motivated two weeks ago to start this blog by the high number of white moms with kids at home who were being drawn to the McCain-Palin ticket. Obama has made some gains there this week, but that demographic is still his weakness. The Gallup Poll focuses in on this issue today:

Keep spreading the word...

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